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My movie is Onmyoji which means yingyang master in Japanese. I integrated man-made elements such as buildings in the background and natural elements such as koi fish and waves in my poster design. First, we are required to produce a narrative on the movie storyline and genre so we did a mood board to guide ourselves. Then, we are required to submit 2 initial ideas draft as a design process for the movie poster. Finally the movie poster is done and submitted.

Mood Board
2 initial ideas.jpg
2 Initial Ideas Draft




I really enjoyed this project as I get to experience so much fun including creating my own storyline, my own character and coloring and drawing in freehand. Although I have a lot of improvements to make,  I still enjoyed the project a lot and learned how to integrate manmade and natural elements into my drawings.
TGCs Obtained

Digital Literacy
I use ICT effectively to contact group members, attend meeting and conducting research throughout this assignment.


Interpersonal Skills
We understand team dynamic and mobilize the power of teams by distributing work load to increase work efficiency.


Intrapersonal Skills
I was able to reflect on my on mistakes and learn by observing other's good examples. I could manage my own work well and be self-reliant. 

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