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I have learned a lot about how to identify intangible and tangible context of a street. For example, building typology and facade that are physically seen and traditional trades or sense of place that are rather abstract . The analysis is highly related to lecture class contents which leaves me a deep impression as quizzes are integrated in the learning process. I appreciated how this project interrelate with our lecture classes.
TGCs Obtained
Digital Literacy
I use ICT effectively to attend tutorial classes and conducting research throughout this assignment. Since the entire module was carried out online, I utilize digital platforms to get feedbacks from my tutor.
Discipline Specific Knowledge
I was able to implement knowledge on Asian architecture history, architecture and traditional traits that I have learned from lecture classes into my analysis sketch report.
Intrapersonal Skills
I was able to reflect on my on mistakes and learn by observing other's good examples. I could manage my own work well and be self-reliant.
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